A House for Mr. Biswas: A Review


V.S. Naipaul is swiftly becoming a favorite author of mine. A Bend in the River was one of the earlier books on the Modern Library’s Top 100 Novels List and it really blew me away… A House for Mr. Biswas was no different.

At a staggering 590 pages, this novel was somewhat challenging. Not in subject matter, but in writing… there is so much in every wonderful sentence, you can’t chance it by skimming even a paragraph! Admittedly it took me a good bit to read the book, but it was well worth it…

It follows the homes of Mr. Biswas as he journies through life, from his parents home to his Uncle’s, to a shared living space with his mother, and the many houses he shares with his wife’s stressful family. It’s all about what owning a home really means to a person and how it is never quite as glorious as it seems.

This novel kept me intrigued… not an easy task! ;-] Worth a read!

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