I could be a model, but instead…

I could be a model, but instead I’ve started Weight Watchers to tone up and turned my body into a work of art [with the addition of a large arm tat]!!

To see the Inspiration model, head over to Beth’s Style Quest!!! Seriously brilliant idea and I feel so lucky to be a part of it!! ❤

4 responses to “I could be a model, but instead…

  1. you. are. ADORABLE. i love your hair!

  2. Sarah, you are a HOTTIE! Just the way you are. But yeah, I feel ya. I could use some toning up myself. Weight Watchers is great-btw. My sister and Mom both did it for awhile and lost a lot of weight doing it! I even went ahead and signed up for it too, not because I need to really lose any weight (I’m right where I should be weight wise given my height and age and all of that), but I really loved the concept. Unfortunately, a lot of the women in my location were looking at me like, “girl what are you doing here”, haha, so I kinda just bought a bunch of WW food products and followed the charts from home for awhile and lost like a good five pounds.. which is good for me! I’m definitely trying to tighten up a bit now for the summer too . Okay, hi rambling comment. just wanted to say you’re hot and I love you. k bye that is all.


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