Things I’m loving right now

[via Ruche]
I love this necklace. It would flow really well with a couple of my outfits!
I think I need more accessory pieces in my wardrobe!

[via Spool72]
First, you all know how I love mustardo colored things.
Second, isn’t this design just darling?

[via elyse72]
I feel like I could really modernize this look.
Cute vintage dresses for the win!

[via Ruche]
I love Ruche’s earring selection!
Who am I kidding? I love everything at Ruche!?

[via Bohemian Bisoux]
I waited too long and now this dress is gone…::sadface::
But this shop still has some fantastico finds!! =D

2 responses to “Things I’m loving right now

  1. I lovethe dress šŸ™‚ nice share

  2. I love the mustard top! Cuteee!!

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